FizzBuzz in Ruby with Pattern Matching

The addition of Pattern Matching to Ruby since version 2.7 allow for really expressive codeā€¦ learning more about Elixir and coming back to Ruby being able to do this feels like cheating:

def fizz_buzz(number)
  r = case {r3: number % 3, r5: number % 5, number:}
    in { r3: 0, r5: 0} then "FizzBuzz"
    in { r3: 0} then "Fizz"
    in { r5: 0} then "Buzz"
  else number
  puts r

(10..17).each { |n| fizz_buzz n}
#=> Buzz
#=> 11
#=> Fizz
#=> 13
#=> 14
#=> FizzBuzz
#=> 16
#=> 17